
Cereplast Inc. (NASDAQ: CERP) is a bioplastics designer and manufacturer.[1] Cereplast uses corn, tapioca, potatoes and algae, including polylactic acid polymer (PLA), to produce compostable[2] plastic resins designed to serve as an alternative to petroleum-based plastics. Cereplast’s expandable resin ranges are used worldwide in the food packaging, food service, automotive, consumer electronics, cosmetics and consumer packaging industries.[3]

In March 2010, Cereplast opened its manufacturing facility in Seymour, Indiana. The facility has an 80MM pound production capacity.[4] Cereplast corporate headquarters are located in El Segundo, California.

Cereplast founder and CEO Frederic Scheer is the Chairman of the Society of the Plastics Industry (SPI) Bioplastics Council.[5] Scheer also founded the Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI).

Cereplast is the recipient of the 2009 Environmental Stewardship Award from the Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) for developing a new family of resins called ‘Cereplast Hybrid Resins®’. These resins are a proprietary blend of up to 50% renewable materials and offer similar properties to traditional polypropylene.[6]


  1. Paper or (Bio)plastic? CNBC TV
  2. Cereplast Expands Bio-Plastic Production with a New, Half-Billion Pound Capacity Indiana Facility
  3. Cereplast expands bioplastic applications with freeze-tolerant compostable resin
  4. ANALYSIS-Cereplast ahead of curve on bioplastics
  5. Cereplast Forecasts 2011 Profit on Compostable Resins
  6. SPE Names Recipients of GPEC 2009 Environmental Awards


  1. ^ https://research.tdwaterhouse.ca/research/public/Markets/NewsArticle/1314-N30276977-1
  2. ^ http://www.bpiworld.org/BPI-Public/Approved/1.html/
  3. ^ http://money.cnn.com/galleries/2008/fortune/0804/gallery.great_green_ideas.fortune/10.html
  4. ^ http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-11-18/plant-based-resin-maker-cereplast-forecasts-profit-on-compostable-plastics.html
  5. ^ http://www.plasticsindustry.org/bpc/WhatsNew/WhatsNewDetail.cfm?ItemNumber=3913
  6. ^ http://www.sperecycling.org/GPEC/GPEC2009/GPEC%202009%20-%20Environmental%20Stewardship%20Award%20Winners.pdf

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